
Infrared Thermometers Linear C-1000 Series

Advanced User Interface & Easy To Use

The Linear C-1000 Series Infrared Thermometers are self-contained, battery-operated devices for non-contact temperature measurement. Each unit consists of a probe and a display unit. The probe unit easily attaches to the display unit for single hand operation. The power source is a single 9-Volt alkaline battery. The C-1000P is supplied with an external power jack and an analog output jack which are located on the side of the display unit.

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The Linear C-1000 Series Infrared Thermometers utilize a passive sensor which receives and measures infrared radiation from an object. Since temperature is measured without contact, heat is not removed from the measured object. Therefore accuracy of the reading is assured. Measurements are more rapidly (less than one second) so that thermal patterns and transient phenomena can be observed. Moving objects, dangerous materials, process steps, and operating electrical components can be safely and effectively measured. The C-1000 is ideal for taking and storing readings during Preventive Maintenance checks on several pieces of equipment.


-70° (56°C) to 1000°F (538°C) measurement range
Adjustable emissivity from .10 to 1.0 in .01 steps
Attach probe for single hand operation or detach probe for hard to reach measurements
Displays minimum/maximum, delta or average readings
Analog output optional
Powered by internal 9-volt battery or 110 VAC (optional)


The Linear C-1000 Series Infrared Thermometers uses a Liquid Crystal Display to enter commands and display data. This innovation greatly simplifies the operation of the product. A two position switch located on the left side of the display unit is used to select POWER ON and OFF. A new technology liquid crystal display runs the full length of the front of the display unit. This technology allows the user to easily identify the system mode as the mode switch changes colors when selected. With the exception of turning on the power, all functions are controlled by touching the appropriate position on the display.

The C-1000 System contains nonvolatile memory. The nonvolatile memory feature allows the system to remember previous settings upon power up. Measurements can be made from a distance as close as ¼ inch (0.6 cm). As the distance to the source is increased, the diameter of the measured area increases proportionally. For the C-1000 at 3 inches (7.6 cm) the measured area is about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The analog output signal is 1 millivolt per degree. This signal is often useful in further troubleshooting process related problems.

Typical Applications

Non-Destructive Testing
Motors and Bearings
Circuit Boards
Jet Engines
Friction Testing
Heat Setting
Wave Soldering
Circuit Board Testing
Potting and Casting
Tablet Drying
Affixing Labels
Packaging Sealing
Floor Covering
Energy Auditing
Stream Trap Inspection
Thermal Insulation
Power Distributing
Stream Lines
Heat Exchanges
Mold Control
Food Processing


Web Monitoring
Coating, Laminating
Lime Kiln Control
Shell Hot Spots
Plugged Syphons
Injection Molding
Vacuum Forming
Foam Sheet Extrusion
Hot Bearings
Engine Performance
Boiler Hot Spots
Energy Auditing
Power Distribution Systems
Electrical Buss Bars


C-WAND - Used to maintain a constant distance between the probe and the target.
C-STAND -Mounts the handheld probe for stationary applications requiring continous measurement.
C-CASE - Vinyl carrying case with belt loop.
C-ADP - 110 VAC power adapter. (Supplied with "P" version)
C-ANA - Analog output cable. (Supplied with "P" version)

Quality Temperature, Pressure and Recording Instrumentation